Steps of the Soul's Ascent by Blessed Anna Maria Taigi
Part II – Steps of the Soul’s Ascent

Pages 87 of the Book “Wife, Mother and Mystic, Blessed Anna Maria Taigi.

This peace was bought by the Beata by a constant spirit of renunciation. Our Lord gave her this golden advice: “My daughter, spiritual profit consists neither in penance nor in the frequentation of the Sacraments, nay not even in abiding sorrow for sin, but in the union of your will with Mine. Those who which to follow My way must renounce their own will everywhere and in all things. Do what you do not wish to do; leave undone what you wish to do; one act of violence to oneself of this kind is much more pleasing to Me than an entire year of penances. You must not for the future use such language as: “I want this; that is pleasant, that other thing unpleasant, and I would much rather not do it” – such is the language of the world.” “She herself,” comments Cardinal Pedicini, “interpreted the necessity of renunciation in the following words: “To acquire the love of God one must always pull against the stream and never cease to resist one’s own will.”

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