Lord of the Rings: Apocalyptic Prophecies
     However, there will be several warnings before it strikes. Marie-Julie notes that before the chastisements fall, everyone will feel an interior ‘uneasiness’ and will sense that something terrible will not be far away from happening: those who listen to the warnings and reform their lives and do penance may be spared.140 The next warning will come in the form of a frightening ‘Two Days’ of partial darkness: the sky will turn purple and red, the tops of tall trees will disappear in the ‘lowering’ of the sky, trees will also be burned, hail will fall as fire from the sky and leave traces of burning, foul rain will fall and blacken the earth, but will not harm the crops of the faithful.141 During these Two Days, no one will be able to look out during the day as hot flashes will obscure the vision.142 These Two Days of warning apparently will happen about thirty-seven days before the dreaded Three Days of Darkness.143 There will also be unparalleled signs in nature that will warn humanity that something tremendous is about to happen.
     Are there any means of protection against these horrifying days? According to a number of mystics, there are, but they are spiritual means and will not avail
blasphemers. The one sacramental constantly recommended to the faithful is that they light a blessed candle in their homes that has been properly blessed by a Catholic priest (The candle needs to be blessed on Candlemas, February 2nd. Please note that when the saints and mystics talk about about blessed candles they are referring to the candles blessed at Candlemas, February 2nd. In their days, the Church would only bless candles on Candlemas (which includes all the ones for the altars, as well as those that the laity could light in the churches) and would give a few to each faithful to have to burn for special favors, storms, etc.).** In fact, this will be the only thing that will give light in those Three Days, electricity will not work, nor will anyone be able to light a fire or lamp. Marie-Julie was told that the candles had to be made of 100% pure wax, such as beeswax, candles made from any other material would not light.144 She was also told the candles will not give any light in the homes of the wicked. One candle will last for the entire Three Days and no storm, wind or earthquake during those Three Days will be able to extinguish them. Everything else will shake and topple due to the continuous earthquakes, but the table or furniture on which the blessed candle is placed will not shake, it will remain perfectly still. Also, these blessed candles (Candlemas candles) will be the only thing that will light during the Two Days of warning.
     It is stressed no one should look outside of their houses during the Three Days as they will instantly be struck dead. All windows and doors must be well covered to prevent the faithful from looking out and seeing God’s wrath. The faithful are advised to pray the rosary, and to keep other blessed sacramentals close to them such as holy water, the crucifix, and an image of the Blessed Mother as these will be the only items that will help dispel the terror for many will die just from the shock. The Blessed Mother also promised Marie-Julie that She would protect the possessions of the faithful who helped spread devotion to Her, remained devoted to Her, invoked Her with devotion, and kept a blessed image of Her in their homes.145 According to some prophecies, a handful of unbelievers will be permitted to survive so they may recognise the True God and convert, they will be witnesses of God’s mercy and justice in future ages. Also, a remnant of the Jews will be spared as their final conversion is reserved for the Day of Judgement.
     Of course, the punishments foretold sound overly drastic: why would such a merciful God destroy the earth in this manner? We read in the Scriptures that God will punish the earth by the sins mankind commits: “But the wicked shall be punished according to their own devices: who have neglected the just, and have revolted from the Lord.” (Wis. 3:10) Also: “That they might know that by what things a man sinneth, by the same also he is tormented.” (Wis. 11:17) For this age that has ushered in contraception, mass abortions under the pretext of population control, not to mention the crimes of genocide and euthanasia, it is just that God will punish rebellious mankind and its ‘culture of death’ with what it desires by permitting a catastrophic decimation of the human race. Also, as the forces of evil brought in revolutions to sweep away and destroy the order He wished to be established on earth, God will also tumultuously wipe out everything they attempted to build. As we saw earlier, the earth will become so infected by sin, that renewal will not be possible by any other means. On many occasions Marie-Julie was told that God was preparing the ‘ground’ for the New Seed of the Church, hence everything infected by error and sin has to be wiped away to allow the new ‘seedlings’ to flourish. In fact, she learned Christ does not want to punish the earth and had already delayed the chastisements, but if He delayed again and did not eventually send the punishments as foretold, not one soul would be saved: every person on the face of the earth would be corrupted by sin and there would be no hope of salvation.146 As strange and contradictory as it sounds, the punishment will then be an act of mercy for those who survive as they have the opportunity to save their souls and become instrumental in the great renewal of the earth.

140 Ibid. August 27, 1878, p. 119.
141 Ibid. September 20, 1880, p. 246.
142 Ibid.
143 Ibid. November 28, 1881, p. 301.
** For example, Bl. Anna Maria Taigi of Rome, Sr. Matarelli d’Oria, and Marie-Julie.
144 We Are Warned, Sept. 20, (year?), p. 405.
145 Ibid. p. 405. To preserve the fields, i.e. crops, the faithful are to plant blessed St. Benedict medals in the ground in the form of a cross. Ibid., p. 574. Marie-Julie was also shown new sacramentals and devotions that would help protect the faithful during the times of the chastisements. See pp. 572-588. (This link has the devotions and remedies: https://thecatacombs.org/showthread.php?tid=149)
146 Ibid. September 18, 1877, p. 60

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RE: Lord of the Rings: Apocalyptic Prophecies - by Elizabeth - 01-12-2021, 12:35 AM

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