Lord of the Rings: Apocalyptic Prophecies
St. Hildegard of Bingen had seen the Great Monarch become a very old man, so he would have a long reign.
According to prophecies, it appears that after 25 years of peace, as foretold by Our Lady of La Salette, mankind would start again to fall into sin and draw away from God. It is also written that the Great Monarch fights a war against Antichrist and wins, but dies shortly after. As I find these prophecies, I will post them.

     King Aragorn proves from the very first days of his reign that he is merciful and wise. He pardons all those who had raised the sword against Gondor andmakes peace with them. He frees the slaves of Mordor and gives them lands to be their own and refuses to make slaves of those enemies who surrendered to him, sending them back to their homelands as free men. As he is of Númenorean blood, his lifespan is longer than those of ordinary men, his reign lasts a glorious 120  years. Unfortunately, this is one detail with which Tolkien was rather optimistic: the reign of the Great Monarch mentioned in the prophesies will last only a quarter of Aragorn’s. The Great Monarch will rule approximately thirty-two years according to St. Andrew of Salos. Marie-Julie gives an approximation of twenty-five to thirty years.159
     What will happen to the Great Monarch near the end of his reign? The prophecies tend to vary. According to many of the early predictions he will die in Jerusalem. St. Methodius of Olympus (d. 311 AD) states he will ascend Calvary, and taking the crown from his head, will place it on a cross in the exact spot where Christ was crucified and will entrust the Christian Kingdom to God the Father before his life ends. Since the Cross will be the miraculous sign that will announce the coming of the Great Monarch, he will also be granted the grace of directly giving up his own spirit, being assumed body and soul into heaven together with the cross and the royal crown.160 Other saints such as St. Augustine of Hippo, St. Remy, St. Rabanus, St. Cataldus and St. Anselm of Canterbury state he will die on the Mount of Olives.161 Of interest, Tolkien seems to have known about the prophecies concerning the Great Monarch’s death for it seems the Great King will be given the grace to hand up his spirit directly to God when his mission on earth is over, which is exactly how Aragorn ends his life according to the chronicles included in the Appendixes: “... I am the last of the Númenoreans and the latest King of the Elder Days; and to me has been given not only a span thrice that of Men of Middle-earth, but also the grace to go at my will, and give back the gift. Now, therefore I will sleep.”162

     What shall happen after the death of the Great Monarch? Sadly, many of the prophecies state that the world will not appreciate this Great Period of Peace given to it and will take it for granted. The nations will grow lax with the fruitfulness of the earth and will fall back into their former errors of gluttony, lust, avarice, in fact, all the vices. The faithful will once more be put to the test as the last onslaught of the Evil One will begin almost immediately with the appearance of the Antichrist who will gather many followers through the preternatural wonders he will do through the powers of hell. The Antichrist will seduce many of the faithful who will have forgotten the prophecy that Christ will return with his Angels from Heaven in glory and will not return via the earth. The Antichrist will also convince the Jews he is the Messiah. Some revelations say the Antichrist will already appear in the very last days just before the Great Monarch hands his life back to God. It is a frightening prospect that after such a time of glory the world will be thrown once more into confusion, apostasy and slaughter as the followers of the Antichrist will put the faithful and those who oppose him to death in the most atrocious ways. However, theologians have stated that the rule of the Antichrist will not last long despite the bloodthirsty nature of his reign, his kingdom will last for about three to four years before the Final Coming of Christ and the Day of Judgement.
     Nevertheless, before the Antichrist there will be much to look forward to according to the mystics. It will be the greatest era the world has ever known or will know, many miracles will take place that will not be seen again until the End of the World. Marie-Julie reveals Heaven declared those who would live to see it and take part in the great renewal are indeed a blessed and predestined generation. However, only the faithful and righteous may live to see it, for the reign of the Great Monarch and the Angelic Pontiff will not come about by any human means but by prayer, sacrifice, and accepting Christ as the true King of the Universe of whom the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff will only be a symbol. Marie-Julie was told mankind must accept the Sacred Heart of Christ into their lives if the way for the Great Monarch was to be prepared, and that people must pray for his coming. We may either live as Christ wishes, repentant and devoted to Him and loyal to His Kingdom, or choose the fleeting pleasures of the world, remain blind to God’s plan and suffer the consequences.

“Here is the Sword that was Broken and is forged again!
Will you aid me or thwart me? Choose swiftly!”
~ Aragorn, The Two Towers.

159 We Are Warned, p. 386.
160 Ibid. p. 517.
161 Ibid. pp. 518, 522, 523.
162 Lord of the Rings, Appendix A, p. 1100.

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RE: Lord of the Rings: Apocalyptic Prophecies - by Elizabeth - 01-17-2021, 12:47 AM

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