Lord of the Rings: Apocalyptic Prophecies
     Returning to the prophecies, Marie-Julie was explicit in saying that heaven was displeased with democracy as it was a form of government designed by hell and that France would be severely punished for bringing revolutions upon the earth: “The Blessed Virgin told me we have to pray much to deflect the evils that must fall upon France. It will unfortunately atone for two centuries of political and social atheism, two centuries of a non-Christian régime. Democracy is indeed the Luciferian régime par excellence. The sole régime of a divine origin never comes from below, but only from above. Without making a pun, let us say in its very name, recognizes that it is the devil that guides demo-cracy: the devil is the master.”92 Many times Marie-Julie declared Heaven considers the French Chamber of Deputies as the ‘Chamber of Hell’, and Paris a new Sodom due to its treacheries and iniquities. We note another mystic, Maria Simma reported c. 2002 that the souls in Purgatory revealed to her democracy was not a God-given right,93 implying a republic was nothing but self-rule grabbed by mankind similar to Satan who rebelled against God.
     The few examples of democracy in the Bible are certainly not encouraging: when given a choice over who should be released to them, the Jews chose a thief, rebel and murderer instead of Christ whom they had hailed as their King a little less then a week previously, showing how democracy can be a fickle form of government subject to the changing opinions of mob rule. The Bible commands, “Thou shalt not follow the multitude to do evil; neither shall thou yield in judgement, to the opinion of the most part, to stray from the truth.” (Ex. 23:2) Hence, according to the scriptures, a government run by majority rule has the inherent danger of luring the masses into believing something evil is ‘all right’ if the many vote for a law or motion that may in fact be quite evil and contrary to God’s laws. True, there have been many corrupt kings in the past that failed in their duty, but as the Bible reminds us: “ ... shall a man be more pure than his Maker? Behold  they that serve him are not steadfast, and in his angels he found wickedness.” (Job. 4:17-18) There is always the risk of corruption, but that does not give mankind the excuse to reject the form of government most acceptable to God. St. Faustina revealed that a soul cleansed from sin and on intimate terms with God recognises that it “comes from royal stock”.94 Christ taught His disciples to pray, “Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” Heaven is not a republic.
     This denunciation of democracy by the mystics is certainly a harsh rebuke, and no doubt sounds irrational to people today now convinced democratic republics are the best and most just form of government. It certainly sounds fair that the people should elect their own rulers as no one wants the ‘tyrants of old’ to return; however, if there is even a suspicion that secret political societies directly or indirectly influenced the formation of modern day republics as mentioned earlier, can anyone be entirely sure that this entrenched perception denouncing monarchies is not the result of a deliberate vilification of the monarchical order? Democracy certainly has its own set of gaping if not worse flaws, particularly with political divisions. A nation can be splintered apart more rapidly from within by dysfunctional political parties jostling for power and racing to secure their own interests and seats, not to mention limited terms of office ensure that any real progress made in the interests of the nation will more often than not come to a grinding halt as one side press forward their own agendas and block those of another, the process repeating itself as majorities in office are gained or lost with each election. There is also the unseen corruption: how often do money and the ‘power behind the scenes’ dictate the polices of a republic to the detriment of the people? We must not forget democracy does not guarantee a government will not end up burdening its people with excessive taxes that are then outrageously misspent, that the nation will not be mutated into a police-state, or escape being strangled alive by a ‘red-tape dictatorship’ for that matter, the laws of a country becoming so oppressive under the guise of protecting civil liberties that the citizens fear their own governments. There are many forms of tyrants, but there are none so terrible as those stifling their own people in the name of freedom. Of interest, Tolkien penned the following in a letter to Christopher Tolkien dated November 29, 1943:

“My political opinions lean more and more to Anarchy
(philosophically understood, meaning abolition of control, not
whiskered men with bombs), or to ‘unconstitutional’ Monarchy.”

92 We Are Warned. Vision dated April 20, 1874, p. 25.
93 Nicky Eltz, Get Us Out of Here!! (Medjugorje Web: 2002). Re: Maria Simma (1915-2004); this mystic is awaiting Church approval. Although her revelations have not yet been officially approved, they are not yet condemned either as far as we are aware, hence this statement has been included in this study.
94 St. Sr. M. Faustina Kowalska, Divine Mercy in My Soul: The Diary of the Servant of God, Sr. M. Faustina Kowalska. Notebook 1, entry 120, (Massachusetts: Marian Press, 1987), p. 67.

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RE: Lord of the Rings: Apocalyptic Prophecies - by Elizabeth - 01-01-2021, 05:08 PM

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