Lord of the Rings: Apocalyptic Prophecies
     In other words, by considering ‘anarchy’, Tolkien no doubt meant a peaceful dissolution of the constrictive forms of government currently existing, (democracy and communism?) to allow a new government to take place. He obviously did not favour ‘lawless mayhem’ brought about by terrorists according to the popular interpretation of the word as he simultaneously leaned towards the conservative right in supporting absolute monarchy. It is possible he yearned for the complete abolition of all anti-Catholic forms of rule that rose up since the American and French revolutions, which would allow for the prophesied renewal of the absolute monarchies and the Church to take place, not to mention the glorious Age of Peace that was promised. We find Tolkien’s political sentiments are in keeping with one particular revelation given to Marie-Julie in that the Great Renewal could not occur until Heaven intervened with cataclysmic events and cleared the ground for the ‘new seed’ of the Church to flourish. Everything that was established after the Revolution and opposed to the absolute monarchy will be swept away:

“The hour of God is not far,” says Saint Michael, “this
profound terror will bring about the triumph of the new France.
But this triumph can't come before Justice is brought to bear on this spoiled
land. (...) To reinstate the King chosen and
destined by God, it is necessary that all those who are present (i.e.
in the present form of government) be swept away.”95

     Indeed, many Catholic mystics foretell that all republics would be eradicated like useless weeds and fruitless branches with the arrival of the Great Monarch. Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser (1613-1658) prophesied: “The powerful Monarch, who is sent from God, will uproot every Republic.”96
     However, according to many of the prophecies, the situation on earth will become much more dire before the expected King and Angelic Pontiff arrive: anticlerical ideals devised by the secret sects would also infect the hierarchy of the Church and they would be used to attack it from within. Bl. Catherine Emmerich  noted in 1820, “I see more martyrs, not now, but in the future...I saw the secret sect relentlessly undermining the great Church.”97 Ominously, Waite hints to a Masonic infiltration in his Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry, writing that there were forces attempting to bring a “Catholic scheme of Masonry” into the Brotherhood that were “one at root with the Church and behind the Church” with the prediction that the Church and the Brotherhood will someday enter “into one consciousness.”98

95 Vision c. September 29, 1878, Ibid, pp. 149-150 (I had to fix the translation). Is it possible that this vision refers to events in our own times? In the same vision, St. Michael warns God’s people not to place their confidence in one ruler who is described as a ‘pillar of mud’, he will do nothing to reform the government into an absolute monarchy. French President Sarkozy’s father comes from Hungarian aristocracy, but obviously President Sarkozy was not the ‘chosen one’. “Sar” and “Kos” are Hungarian words for ‘dirt’ and ‘mud’. “Sark” also means ‘pole’, so President Sarkozy could literally be referred to as a ‘pole’ or ‘pillar’ of mud!
96 Bartholomew Holzhauser, Visions (1646), in We Are Warned, p. 536.
97 We Are Warned, p. 546.
98 Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry, Vol. 1, p. 33.

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RE: Lord of the Rings: Apocalyptic Prophecies - by Elizabeth - 01-03-2021, 05:12 PM

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