Lord of the Rings: Apocalyptic Prophecies
     In 1784 Weishaupt’s Illuminati order was eventually suppressed by an electoral edict in Germany, which lead to the closure of many recognised Masoniclodges in the south of the country. No doubt it was believed Weishaupt’s Illuminism had already infected the lodges and they were duly closed to prevent the spread of civil unrest. Rumours circulated that many of the suppressed Illuminati fled into France and were received into several recognised Masonic lodges with the result the exiles helped to foment the spirit of the French Revolution.83 Other researchers of Masonic history continued to maintain that the order was never completely disbanded and that despite having been rejected by the official masons, the order still worked secretly like a virus through the lodges of recognized Freemasonry until Weishaupt’s death in 1830, and was in fact, one of the prime instigators of the French Revolution, the order sending out various pawns to do the dirty work while most of the ‘Unknown’ leaders of Illuminism remained cloaked in secrecy. There is evidence that Weishaupt used the charlatan Cagliostro and the meteoric rise of his bogus ‘Egyptian Rite’ to inject Illuminism into the lodges of Europe. Apparently, Cagliostro himself confessed to the Inquisition in Rome that he had received a commission from Weishaupt to groom the French Masonic lodges to be receptive to Illuminist doctrine.84 Of interest, in Lord of the Rings, the traitor-wizard Saruman is used in a similar fashion by the Dark Lord Sauron as Frodo remarks: “Yes, this is Mordor ... just one of its works. Saruman was doing its work all the time, even when he thought he was working for himself. And the same with those that Saruman tricked...”.85
     How successful was Cagliostro in his mission? Considering the secrecy surrounding the lodges even to this day, it is difficult to tell. However, we have a few personal opinions from famous Masons who it is said joined the Illuminati in those days and who dared to let a few things ‘slip’, such as the German author Wolfgang von Goethe.** Goethe, a monarchist not supportive of the revolutionary schemes, was disgusted at how far the quack Cagliostro had instigated himself into the French court. The charlatan had found favour with King Louis XVI and many members of the French nobility, fooling them with his claims of possessing maguslike powers and the ability to produce the famed alchemical ‘elixir of youth’, which disgusted Goethe. In his opinion, Cagliostro’s quackery helped to discredit the French monarchy as the gullibility of the court occasioned it to lose what little respect it still retained amid the growing dissatisfaction of the French people riled up by the disgruntled revolutionaries. Goethe also believed Cagliostro and other corrupt members of the court played their part in a premeditated conspiracy to deliberately destroy the French monarchy, namely, the scandalous Diamond Necklace Affair in which Queen Antoinette was accused of recklessly spending on a costly necklace while her people starved. She never commissioned the necklace ~ it was an elaborate set-up and jewel heist arranged by the Countess de Mott who duped her lover, the Cardinal of Rohan, into ordering the necklace by pretending the queen wished him to personally place the commission. Eventually the truth came out, the Countess was flogged, branded and imprisoned for life, while the Cardinal was acquitted and banished to a monastery. However, the damage was done, the final blow came when the Cardinal and Countess were put on trial. Cagliostro was also brought forward for questioning as the Cardinal was his staunch supporter. Goethe was infuriated about Cagliostro’s ‘performance’ during this serious trial on which the reputation of the French court rested, giving the law court a load of gibberish and “ridiculous cock-and-bull stories”.86 In all, Goethe observed Cagliostro’s quackery (used by Weishaupt we recall!) helped to put the nail in the coffin of the absolute French monarchy:

“I saw the dignity of royalty undermined and doomed by
this incredibly wicked plot, and unfortunately everything that
happened from that time only confirmed my fearful forebodings.
(...) For many years I had been dismayed by the frauds peddled by
bold visionaries and calculating fanatics and had had occasion to
curse them roundly; and I had been amazed and repelled by the
incomprehensible blindness of otherwise intelligent people in the
face of such brazen importunities. Now I saw before me the direct
and indirect consequences of such follies, (i.e. the French
Revolution), which led to crimes and offences against royalty and
had an effect powerful to shake to its foundations the fairest throne
in the world.”87

     Of course, history tells us what eventually happened next, the following is a brief summary: the Revolution erupted, the Church and the nobility were despoiled of their lands. With the monarchy overturned and the aristocracy in tatters, the majority of the surviving nobility fleeing into exile, the Church was left without its royal defenders and the New Order of France was free to take shape in the form of a democratic Republic championing liberty, equality and fraternity, which in turn brought about a bloodthirsty Reign of Terror (1793-1794) in the new jostle for power. Churches were plundered and submitted to terrible desecrations, such as undergoing new ‘consecrations’ as temples to their new principles of Deism and Liberty. A sacrilegious ritual was held in Notre Dame in which atheists lit a flame to the power of Reason. Loyalists to the throne were rounded up, thousands of anti-revolutionaries were slaughtered. The Holy Ampulla miraculously brought centuries ago by the Holy Ghost to anoint Clovis I and his house was smashed in 1793, only a few fragments were saved. King Louis XVI was executed on January 21, 1793 just before the Terror began, while Queen Marie-Antoinette was executed nine months later on October 16, 1793.

83 A New Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry, Vol. I p. 386.
84 Rev. Mgr. George Dillon, The permanent instruction of the Alta Vendita, Chapter VIII, (Dublin: M. H. Gill and Son., Ltd., 1885). Reprint: E-text: www.catholicvoice.co.uk/dillon/text.htm#14
85 Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King, p. 1055.
** For more information on the Goethe’s interest in alchemy, Freemasonry, the French Revolution, and how they influenced his work, see Faust: My Soul be Damned for the World, Vol. 2 (Portugal: Batalha Publishers, 2010).
86 Goethe, letter written in Sicily, April 13-14, 1787, Italian Journey [1786-1788]. Reprint, W.H., Auden and Elizabeth Mayer, trans. (London: Penguin Classics, 1970), p. 248.
87 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Campaign in France 1792, Siege of Mainz, in Goethe: The Collected Works, Vol. 5, Trans, Ed. Thomas P. Saine, Ed., Jeffrey L. Sammons, (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1994), p. 743.

[Image: AKG328333.jpg]

Reliquary holding the surviving fragments of the Holy Ampulla at the Tau Palace in Rheims.

[Image: 250px-Sainte_Ampoule.jpg]

Artistic recreation of the original reliquary holding the Holy Ampulla by Sergey Prokopenko
(2012) according to surviving sketches. The vial containing the oil is held by a representation
of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove. A remnant of the oil was saved the day before the
Ampulla was publicly destroyed by the Revolutionaries in 1793.
     The thirst for revolution and the desire to put an end to the ancient monarchical order of Europe, and indeed of the Church, did not stop with France. Years earlier, the American Revolution had already commenced with the Signing of the Declaration of Independence referring to the (Deist?) God of Nature a few months later after Weishaupt founded his New Order in 1776. While the founding fathers of the newly fledged United States simply wished for independence and did not set out to dispatch their monarch, their new image of the republic advocating the separation of church and state was decidedly Masonic. Many of America’s revolutionary heroes were or became Freemasons, such as Benjamin Franklin,  George Washington, Robert R. Livingstone and Paul Revere. In fact, Washington encouraged his soldiers to become Masons with the result the ideals of Freemasonry became the new ‘image’ of their nation.88 Millar observes:

“... America was not only looking to build its communities,
it was also looking to represent itself visually. With public displays
of Washington, first president of the United States, (laying the
cornerstone of the Capitol building in full Masonic regalia), such
an enthusiasm for Masonic symbolism was inevitable, because it
sent the message that the morals and ideals of the newly
independent America were synonymous with those of

     It is difficult to discern the extent of which Illuminism may have influenced American politics, but we find a curious set of symbols represented on the reverse side of the dollar bill that appear to be a tribute to Weishaupt’s ideals: a Masonic lodge or temple represented in the shape of an Egyptian pyramid, the base displaying the year 1776 in Roman numerals, the year of the American Revolution and the foundation of the Illuminati. Over the temple hovers the All-Seeing Eye, above which we see a scroll, ‘Annuit coeptis’, ‘He has smiled on our undertakings’, while under the pyramid’s base we find ‘Novus order seclorum’ ~ New Order of the Ages.
     While America gained its independence and was busy establishing its new identity as a democratic republic, there were many upheavals in French politics for decades to come, particularly after Napoleon placed the crown on his head as Emperor in 1804 and foisted upon France a rival bloodline to the throne. A triple clash raged for decades with certain factions demanding a republic, opposed by other parties and their efforts to restore the French throne under the legitimate surviving descendants of the Bourbon Kings, contended by those who wanted to reestablish Napoleon’s descendants as rulers of France. Eventually, the royal line of the Bourbons became extinct with the death of the Count of Chambord in 1883, which ultimately secured the establishment of Third Republic, hence it was thought that any hope or possibility of restoring the absolute, or even a constitutional monarchy in France was quashed once and for all, the new revolutionaries in the Chamber of Deputies at that time going so far as to propose that the government auction off the crown jewels as one deputy declared, “Without a crown, there’s no need for a king,” which was done in 1887. With the royal jewels scattered, the republicans succeeded in keeping the current democratic form of government and hoped that they had put an end to any further hopes of an absolute monarchical restoration, forgetting the ancient tradition of the heaven-blessed blood-line in thatthe French king makes the crown, the crown does not make the king. This turn of events with several contenders in France may have inspired Tolkien’s inclusion of the Stewards’ guardianship of Gondor in Lord of the Rings. As we recall, the  Stewards skillfully prevented the legitimate kings of the Northern Scion from taking  the throne of Gondor by persuading the people to enthrone a distant relative of Isildur’s eldest son from the Southern scion. Lacking in support and in order to keep the peace, the Northern line directly descending from Isildur's second son does not press its claim, yet the Stewards do not relinquish their guardianship of therealm when the Southern Scion eventually becomes extinct. For centuries the Stewards arrogantly rule like kings despite their status as mere stewards, much like the Presidents of the French Republic who are viewed as temporary kings, but do not have any royal blood or a legitimate claim to the kingship of France. 

88 Angel Millar, Freemasonry: A History (San Diego: Thunder Bay Press, 2005), p. 205-209.
89 Ibid. pp. 211, 216.

[Image: usdollar.jpg]
The Great Seal of the United States on the reverse side of the one dollar bill.

(Here is a link to an article that explains the symbols on the American Dollar: http://americaslastdays.blogspot.com/p/hidden-symbolism-of-dollar.html)
  Continuing our study, France was not the only country to fall victim to the poisonous influence of secret societies using Freemasonry for its own ends: a conspiratorial order with its own initiation rites called the Carbonari or ‘Charcoal Burners’ formed in Italy to complete the great reformation left undone by the Illuminati. According to Rev. Dillon, a series of documents dating from the 1820s revealing the secret plans of the ‘Alta Vendita’, the Unknown Superiors of the Carbonari, came into the possession of the Roman police detectives. One of the supposed Superiors using his code name ‘Piccolo Tigre’ penned a chilling set of instructions to their Piedmontese branches on how to topple the current order by inciting uprisings demanding republican constitutions and infiltrating the Church from within in order to bring it down, especially through the destruction of the family unit:

“ (...) All Italy is covered with religious confraternities, and
with penitents of divers colours. Do not fear to slip in some of
your people into the very midst of these flocks, led as they are by a
stupid devotion. Let out agents study with care the personnel of
these confraternity men, and they will see that little by little they
will not be wanting a harvest. (...) The essential thing is to isolate
a man from his family, to cause him to lose his morals. He is
sufficiently disposed by the bent of his character to flee from
household cares, and to run after easy pleasures and forbidden
joys. (...) Lead him along, sustain him, give him an importance of
some kind or other; discreetly teach him to grow weary of his daily
labours, and by this management, after having separated him from
his wife and children, and after having shown him how painful are
all his duties, you will then excite in him the desire of another
existence. Man is a born rebel. Stir up the desire of rebellion until
it becomes a conflagration, but in such a manner the threat of
conflagration may not break out. (...) When you shall have
insinuated into a few souls disgust for family and for religion (one
nearly always follows in the wake of the other,) let fall some words
which will provoke the desire of being affiliated to the nearest
(Masonic) lodge. (...) You divine his inclinations, his affections,
and his tendencies; then, when he is ripe for us, we direct him to
the secret society (i.e. of the Carbonari) of which freemasonry can
be no more than the antechamber. (...) In the present
circumstances never lift the mask. Content yourselves to prowl
about the Catholic sheepfold, but as good wolves seize in the
passage the first lamb who offers himself in the desired conditions.
(...) It is of absolute necessity to de-Catholicize the world. (...)
The Revolution in the Church is the revolution en permanence. It
is the necessary overthrowing of thrones and dynasties. (...) Let us
not conspire except against Rome.”90

     The fires of revolution flamed from that time on, anticlerical and antimonarchical movements influenced by this political society continued to spread. For example, a Carbonari faction was formed in Portugal in 1822 but disbanded not long after. However, a new organization of the same name and claiming to be its continuation was founded by Artur Augusto Duarte da Luz de Almeida in 1896. Similar to the original Carbonari movement, the new Carbonari of Portugal were hostile to the Church and contributed to the republic’s anticlerical formation. In fact, Carbonari members were active in the assassination of King Carlos I of Portugal and his heir, Prince Luís Filipe, Duke of Bragança in 1908. Carbonari members were also involved in the Republican revolution of October 5, 1910.
     Other revolutions around the same period were brutally anti-clerical, we turn to Mexico for another example, the Revolution of 1910-1920. An anticlerical Constitution was ratified in 1917, resulting in the counter-revolutionary Cristero War 1926-1929 in which thousands of Catholics were persecuted and martyred, many of those put to death cried out with their last breaths the rallying cry ‘Viva Cristo Rey’~ “Long Live Christ the King”.* Although a peace was eventually reached in 1929 allowing Catholic churches to reopen in Mexico, many of the anticlerical laws were not repealed until 1992.
     In all, for those interested in Catholic mysticism and history, there is considerable controversial evidence that many of the modern republics and democracies formed in the last two centuries began as deliberate attempts by Masonic and other secret sects to destroy both monarchies and the Church. According to the prophecies, several mystics warned that before the appearance of the Great Monarch and the Angelic Pontiff, evil would flood the world due to the rapid expansion of republics, suggesting it is the lack of absolute monarchies caused by the rise of liberal democracies declaring the equality of all religions, plus the abuse of liberty as a way to promote licentiousness, that will cause heresies and amorality to spread. Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres (1635) in Quito Ecuador revealed, “... at the end of the 19th century and for a large part of the 20th, various heresies will flourish on this earth which will have become a free republic. The precious light of the Faith will go out in souls because of the almost total moral corruption.”91 If Tolkien’s Steward Denethor loosely represents the rise of republics usurping the power of kingship, we see his character falls under this prophecy to a certain degree: Denethor is touched by the Evil Eye and believes its lies. Falling into despair, he abandons the true faith of Númenor and wishes to die as the heathens of old by sacrificing himself and his son on a burning funeral pyre, no doubt a hideous scandal to the faithful people of Middle Earth.

90 Alta Vendita, Ch. XII.
* It was during this bloody persecution that Pope Pius XI first instituted the feast of Christ the King on December 11, 1925.
91 We Are Warned, p. 533.
 In Lord of the Rings, the faithful peoples of Middle Earth reverently bury their deceased. The Kings of Gondor have dignified ‘houses of the dead’ where their people are laid to rest, the Kings of Rohan bury their dead in sacred mounds, and the Dwarves lay their dead in tombs hewn from stone. The Dwarves in particular abhor cremation and resort to it only when necessity requires it, such as after the grievous Battle of Azanulbizar when the number of their dead was so great it would have taken years to carve their tombs and so they had no other option but cremation to ensure the bodies of their war-heroes were not desecrated by beasts or carrion-eating orcs. (Lord of the Rings, Appendix A, p. 1113, n. 1.) Hence, we discover that the condemnation of suicide, (unless the suicide victim is mentally afflicted), and the abhorrence of cremation are two other instances where traditional Catholic doctrine and devotional practises are alluded to in Lord of the Rings. Traditional doctrine maintains that it is an abominable abuse to cremate the dead as the body had housed the immortal soul and had been the temple of the Holy Spirit. Theologians cite examples in which even pagan nations such as the Romans and Egyptians once used to bury or embalm their dead, their graves were considered sacred until their culture and manners became corrupt. A Christian should imitate Christ, whose Body was laid reverently in a tomb, hence burial is considered the most dignified treatment of laying the dead to rest. Unless cremation is necessary due to pestilence, it is regarded as an uncivilized manner of burial for the worldly and the unbeliever to practise, a convenient way to dispose of all reminders of death that would eventually bring an end to all earthly amusements. Furthermore, it is taught that to cremate a body is also reprehensible in the interests of justice, for a body may be exhumed if a crime needs to be investigated, but all evidence of a crime is destroyed after cremation. “Those therefore who speak in favour of cremation befriend criminals, inasmuch as they aid in the removal of all traces of their crime.” Rev. Francis Spirago, The Catechism Explained: An Exhaustive Exposition of the Catholic Religion (1899), (Reprint: Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., 1993), pp. 701-702.
     Rev. Spirago also writes: “Christianity did, in fact, abolish cremation. But in these days, when Christian faith is on the decrease, cremation is once more becoming the fashion. (...) No true Christian can fail to shrink from the horrors of cremation; only those who are lost to all sense of the dignity of human nature, to all belief in the truths of religion, can desire it for themselves.” Ibid. p. 702.
     Returning to the prophecies, Marie-Julie was explicit in saying that heaven was displeased with democracy as it was a form of government designed by hell and that France would be severely punished for bringing revolutions upon the earth: “The Blessed Virgin told me we have to pray much to deflect the evils that must fall upon France. It will unfortunately atone for two centuries of political and social atheism, two centuries of a non-Christian régime. Democracy is indeed the Luciferian régime par excellence. The sole régime of a divine origin never comes from below, but only from above. Without making a pun, let us say in its very name, recognizes that it is the devil that guides demo-cracy: the devil is the master.”92 Many times Marie-Julie declared Heaven considers the French Chamber of Deputies as the ‘Chamber of Hell’, and Paris a new Sodom due to its treacheries and iniquities. We note another mystic, Maria Simma reported c. 2002 that the souls in Purgatory revealed to her democracy was not a God-given right,93 implying a republic was nothing but self-rule grabbed by mankind similar to Satan who rebelled against God.
     The few examples of democracy in the Bible are certainly not encouraging: when given a choice over who should be released to them, the Jews chose a thief, rebel and murderer instead of Christ whom they had hailed as their King a little less then a week previously, showing how democracy can be a fickle form of government subject to the changing opinions of mob rule. The Bible commands, “Thou shalt not follow the multitude to do evil; neither shall thou yield in judgement, to the opinion of the most part, to stray from the truth.” (Ex. 23:2) Hence, according to the scriptures, a government run by majority rule has the inherent danger of luring the masses into believing something evil is ‘all right’ if the many vote for a law or motion that may in fact be quite evil and contrary to God’s laws. True, there have been many corrupt kings in the past that failed in their duty, but as the Bible reminds us: “ ... shall a man be more pure than his Maker? Behold  they that serve him are not steadfast, and in his angels he found wickedness.” (Job. 4:17-18) There is always the risk of corruption, but that does not give mankind the excuse to reject the form of government most acceptable to God. St. Faustina revealed that a soul cleansed from sin and on intimate terms with God recognises that it “comes from royal stock”.94 Christ taught His disciples to pray, “Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” Heaven is not a republic.
     This denunciation of democracy by the mystics is certainly a harsh rebuke, and no doubt sounds irrational to people today now convinced democratic republics are the best and most just form of government. It certainly sounds fair that the people should elect their own rulers as no one wants the ‘tyrants of old’ to return; however, if there is even a suspicion that secret political societies directly or indirectly influenced the formation of modern day republics as mentioned earlier, can anyone be entirely sure that this entrenched perception denouncing monarchies is not the result of a deliberate vilification of the monarchical order? Democracy certainly has its own set of gaping if not worse flaws, particularly with political divisions. A nation can be splintered apart more rapidly from within by dysfunctional political parties jostling for power and racing to secure their own interests and seats, not to mention limited terms of office ensure that any real progress made in the interests of the nation will more often than not come to a grinding halt as one side press forward their own agendas and block those of another, the process repeating itself as majorities in office are gained or lost with each election. There is also the unseen corruption: how often do money and the ‘power behind the scenes’ dictate the polices of a republic to the detriment of the people? We must not forget democracy does not guarantee a government will not end up burdening its people with excessive taxes that are then outrageously misspent, that the nation will not be mutated into a police-state, or escape being strangled alive by a ‘red-tape dictatorship’ for that matter, the laws of a country becoming so oppressive under the guise of protecting civil liberties that the citizens fear their own governments. There are many forms of tyrants, but there are none so terrible as those stifling their own people in the name of freedom. Of interest, Tolkien penned the following in a letter to Christopher Tolkien dated November 29, 1943:

“My political opinions lean more and more to Anarchy
(philosophically understood, meaning abolition of control, not
whiskered men with bombs), or to ‘unconstitutional’ Monarchy.”

92 We Are Warned. Vision dated April 20, 1874, p. 25.
93 Nicky Eltz, Get Us Out of Here!! (Medjugorje Web: 2002). Re: Maria Simma (1915-2004); this mystic is awaiting Church approval. Although her revelations have not yet been officially approved, they are not yet condemned either as far as we are aware, hence this statement has been included in this study.
94 St. Sr. M. Faustina Kowalska, Divine Mercy in My Soul: The Diary of the Servant of God, Sr. M. Faustina Kowalska. Notebook 1, entry 120, (Massachusetts: Marian Press, 1987), p. 67.
     In other words, by considering ‘anarchy’, Tolkien no doubt meant a peaceful dissolution of the constrictive forms of government currently existing, (democracy and communism?) to allow a new government to take place. He obviously did not favour ‘lawless mayhem’ brought about by terrorists according to the popular interpretation of the word as he simultaneously leaned towards the conservative right in supporting absolute monarchy. It is possible he yearned for the complete abolition of all anti-Catholic forms of rule that rose up since the American and French revolutions, which would allow for the prophesied renewal of the absolute monarchies and the Church to take place, not to mention the glorious Age of Peace that was promised. We find Tolkien’s political sentiments are in keeping with one particular revelation given to Marie-Julie in that the Great Renewal could not occur until Heaven intervened with cataclysmic events and cleared the ground for the ‘new seed’ of the Church to flourish. Everything that was established after the Revolution and opposed to the absolute monarchy will be swept away:

“The hour of God is not far,” says Saint Michael, “this
profound terror will bring about the triumph of the new France.
But this triumph can't come before Justice is brought to bear on this spoiled
land. (...) To reinstate the King chosen and
destined by God, it is necessary that all those who are present (i.e.
in the present form of government) be swept away.”95

     Indeed, many Catholic mystics foretell that all republics would be eradicated like useless weeds and fruitless branches with the arrival of the Great Monarch. Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser (1613-1658) prophesied: “The powerful Monarch, who is sent from God, will uproot every Republic.”96
     However, according to many of the prophecies, the situation on earth will become much more dire before the expected King and Angelic Pontiff arrive: anticlerical ideals devised by the secret sects would also infect the hierarchy of the Church and they would be used to attack it from within. Bl. Catherine Emmerich  noted in 1820, “I see more martyrs, not now, but in the future...I saw the secret sect relentlessly undermining the great Church.”97 Ominously, Waite hints to a Masonic infiltration in his Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry, writing that there were forces attempting to bring a “Catholic scheme of Masonry” into the Brotherhood that were “one at root with the Church and behind the Church” with the prediction that the Church and the Brotherhood will someday enter “into one consciousness.”98

95 Vision c. September 29, 1878, Ibid, pp. 149-150 (I had to fix the translation). Is it possible that this vision refers to events in our own times? In the same vision, St. Michael warns God’s people not to place their confidence in one ruler who is described as a ‘pillar of mud’, he will do nothing to reform the government into an absolute monarchy. French President Sarkozy’s father comes from Hungarian aristocracy, but obviously President Sarkozy was not the ‘chosen one’. “Sar” and “Kos” are Hungarian words for ‘dirt’ and ‘mud’. “Sark” also means ‘pole’, so President Sarkozy could literally be referred to as a ‘pole’ or ‘pillar’ of mud!
96 Bartholomew Holzhauser, Visions (1646), in We Are Warned, p. 536.
97 We Are Warned, p. 546.
98 Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry, Vol. 1, p. 33.
     In the ‘Alta Vendita’ documents we discover the Carbonari political sect schemed to have a pope moulded according to their desire get elected to St. Peter’s seat, and were willing to work at their bold plan for a century if need be.99 We discover a Carbonari member code-named ‘Vindex’ wrote to a ‘Nubius’ in 1838: “It is corruption en masse that we have undertaken: the corruption of the people by the clergy, and the corruption of the clergy by ourselves; the corruption which ought, one day to enable us to put the Church in her tomb. (...) The best poniard with which to strike the Church is corruption. To work, then, even to the very end.”100
     Many of the prophecies state that due to the moral corruption of clerics, the disciplines of the Church will become lax and that the form of the liturgical traditions as they had been practised for centuries would disappear for a certain period. Marie-Julie warned in 1880, “All the works approved by the infallible Church will cease to exist as they are today for a time.”101 She also revealed that a rebellious priesthood not of Christ within the Church would institute a ‘New Mass’ with words odious in Heaven’s sight, it will be a new rite that is sealed with “the words of the abyss”102 and composed by enemies of the Faith that will be of the same spirit as those who conspired to bring about Christ’s Crucifixion,103 obviously referring to the Jewish sects that yearned for a Messiah that corresponded to their worldly ideals.
     Many of the traditionalist faithful in the Church note this could be none other than a forewarning about the ‘Revolutionary’ Vatican II council that brought in the new vernacular Rite of the Mass and use of the vernacular in other ceremonies contrary to what had been taught for centuries. Since the Council of Trent (1545-1563) when the Latin Rite of the Mass was set for all time by Pope Pius V, it had always been declared that by adhering to the use of Latin as its official language, the Church maintained its unity and was a means of preserving the faith from many evils. The use of the one and same language in all the Catholic churches around the world served as a connecting tie binding them to Rome, and drew together a multitude of nations divided by language into one unity as members of God’s family in the Church. The rites were the same no matter where a believer attended in the world: One, Holy, Catholic and Universal Church. Furthermore, the use of a dead language not commonly spoken among the people was not subject to change like vernacular tongues, and therefore Latin was a means of preventing doctrinal error and heresies from entering the Church: it was taught that these evils would inevitably arise from a multiplication of translations if the vernacular was introduced since the context and expressions of living vernacular languages changed on a regular basis. The use of the sacred unchanging ancient Latin language also imparted great reverence and dignity to the sacraments, in particular, the most important liturgical celebration of the Church, the sacrifice of the Mass. As a sacrifice, it was to be offered with all reverence possible, hence the vernacular was not to be used as this would imply an ‘instruction’ of the mysteries offered to the people and not a sacrifice. All instruction about the Mass was to be taught separately to the congregation at appropriate or specially designated times. We find nearly all Latin missals and catechisms dating before Vatican II point out these differences, reminding the faithful that when the Protestants broke away from the Church and denied the sacrificial nature of the Mass contrary to the Church’s teaching they began to use the vernacular in their services.
     Suddenly, contrary to everything it had taught before, the Church began to abandon its universal application of Latin, the Mass was changed to the vernacular and then a new rite was introduced shortly thereafter, a service which is word for word and action for action exactly like the Protestant rite. Considering the Church now sanctions an opposing course of action against what it had taught for centuries, i.e. that use of the vernacular would allow a multitude of evils to creep in, it is no wonder that the Vatican II Council has been called a diabolical ‘revolution’ within the Church by the traditionalists. Even Pope Paul VI noticed that something dreadful was happening after Vatican II, (yet did nothing to repeal the decrees of the Council):

“It is an interior upheaval, acute and complicated, which
nobody expected after the Council (Vatican II). It is almost as if
the Church were attacking itself. We looked forward to a
flowering, a serene expansion of conceptions which matured in the
great session of the council. But ... one must notice above all the
sorrowful aspect. It is as if the Church were destroying herself.”104

99 ‘Alta Vendita’: Ch. XIV.
100 Ibid. Ch. XV.
101 We Are Warned, p. 235. Vision dated June 1, 1880.
102 Ibid. p. 285. Also reiterated in a vision dated November 27, 1901: other sources say this vision was given in 1902, p. 353.
103 Ibid. p. 353.
104 Pope Paul VI, Address to the Lombard Seminary in Rome. December 7, 1968. We Are Warned, p. 569. On another occasion, Pope Paul VI also declared that Vatican II did not bring the promised day of sunshine within the Church, but storms and darkness: “It is as if from some mysterious crack, no, it is not mysterious, from some crack the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God.” Sermon given during the Mass for Sts. Peter and Paul on the ninth anniversary of his coronation, June 29, 1972. We Are Warned, p. 568.
     Tolkien was without doubt dismayed when these changes occurred aslanguages were very important to him. Not only was he knowledgeable in existent ancient languages, he invented his own, devoting a considerable number of pages on the history, letters, spelling and pronunciation of his various fantasy languages  of Middle Earth in his text, the symbolic use of which plays a considerable role in Lord of the Rings. We recall that the rebellious Númenoreans who separated from the Faithful and challenged the Angelic Valar abandon the ancient High Elven language, one of the most esteemed in Middle Earth, and embrace their own common tongue as a sign of defiance. Language is also symbolic of creating an identity: the Dwarves keep their language secret and use it only among themselves as a sacred tongue, while Lord Sauron invents a Black Speech to be used by his evil minions and inscribes the famous lines of the One Ring on the magical gold band in the same black speech. Tolkien, recognising the abandonment of the Church’s official sacred language as something reeking of rebellion adhered to the original teachings of the Old Faith and refused to submit, adamantly answering in the ancient Latin like a ‘Faithful Elendil’ during the new vernacular services to the mortification of all around him as his grandson relates:

“I vividly remember going to church with him in
Bournemouth. He was a devout Roman Catholic and it was soon
after the Church had changed the liturgy from Latin to English.
My grandfather obviously didn’t agree with this and made all the
responses very loudly in Latin while the rest of the congregation
answered in English. I found the whole experience quite
excruciating, but my grandfather was oblivious. He simply had to
do what he believed to be right.”105

     Obviously Tolkien was aware of the prophecies concerning the rebels who would try to infiltrate the Church long before this occurred, hence his public demonstration of fidelity to the ancient Latin ways. Curiously, we find he slipped in notable references into Lord of the Rings that seems to refer to the dreaded ‘infiltration’ that would take place: first is the battering ram of Mordor hammering the City of Kings, which is named after the ‘hammer of Hell’ and is fashioned in the shape of a ‘ravening wolf’, a symbol of demonic infiltrators used by St. Paul to the Ephesians: “I know that after my departure, ravening wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock. And of your own selves shall arise men speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.” (Acts 20: 29-30) Obviously, this analogy was inspired by Christ’s warning “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” (Matt. 7:15) We discover Bl. Catherine Emmerich was shown that Christ used a similar term to warn his disciples how to detect certain followers of a secret political society that was in league with the Pharisees and Sadducees# and caused considerable trouble during His own ministry and that of St. John the Baptist, spying on them and setting subtle traps to ensnare them. They were called the ‘Herodians’:

“(The Herodians) lived very privately and had some kind of
mysterious organization by which they secretly helped one
another. Many poor people applied to them, and received
immediate relief. These Herodians were outwardly great sticklers
for the prescriptions of the Pharisees, in secret they aimed at
freeing Judea from the Roman yoke, and consequently were
closely attached to Herod. They were something like modern
freemasons. I understood from Jesus’ words that they feigned to
be very holy and magnanimous, but in reality they were
hypocrites. (...)”106

“The people complained of their spying into everything.
(...) the feeling of being constantly watched was very distasteful to
them. (...) Then Jesus painted the ordinary manner of acting
among Herodians, applying to them the passage from the Prophet
Isaias (...) which treats of dumb dogs that do not bark, that do not
turn from evil, and that tear men in secret.”107

105 Simon Tolkien, February 23, 2003. "My Grandfather", The Mail on Sunday. See also: http://web.archive.org/web/2008042207223...lkien.html
# “The people hurriedly gathered in crowds, and the Doctors of the Law and the Herodians were all expectancy to ensnare Him in His doctrine.” The Life of Jesus Christ, Vol. 2, p. 273.
106 The Life of Jesus Christ, Vol. 2, p. 243.
107 Ibid. p. 278. The full passage in Isaias: “His watchmen are all blind, they are all ignorant: dumb dogs not able to bark, seeing vain things, sleeping and loving dreams. And most impudent dogs, they never had enough: the shepherds themselves knew no understanding: all have turned aside into their own way, every one after his own gain, from the first, even to the last.” (Isaias 56: 10-11)
“(Jesus) warned the disciples of what people they should for
the future beware, and described the Herodians in terms so exact
that no one could fail to recognize them. Among other things, He
said that they should beware of certain people in sheep’s skins and
long leathern straps! ‘Beware,’ He said,’ of the profane in
sheepskins and long girdles!’ By these words, Jesus signified the
lurking Herodian disciples of John who, in imitation of John’s true
followers, wore a kind of sheepskin stole around the neck and
crossed on the breast.”108

     According to Bl. Emmerich’s visions, the Herodians, like the Pharisees and Sadducees, were attempting to establish an earthly kingdom and expected a Messiah according to their own world-view: “What He (Jesus) said of the fulfilment of the weeks of Daniel, of the near coming of the Messiah, and of the King of the Jews, was excellent and quite in accordance with their own ideas. But as He told them, they might seek where they would, they would still nowhere find the
Messiah.”109 This bears a remarkable resemblance to Marie-Julie’s revelations mentioned above that those not of Christ’s priesthood would attempt to change the ancient liturgical forms of the Church, and would be of the same spirit as those who crucified Him.* Marie-Julie further warns that the infiltrators in the Church would not stop at these first attempts to change everything, they will also disperse good pastors (bishops) and replace them with others “... formed by hell, initiated in all vices, all iniquities, perfidious, who will cover souls with filth ... New preachers of new sacraments, new temples, new baptisms, new confraternities...”110
     If the angelic Istari in Lord of the Rings are representative of the priesthood in the Church, then Tolkien also includes references to a ‘fallen member’ changing sacred traditions to suit his own ends via the treachery of the once-white wizard Saruman, suggesting the author may have been aware of the schemes of the Carbonari to corrupt the clergy and their plots to place an imposter-pope in the Holy See. We learn during the Council of Elrond held in Rivendell that Saruman as leader of the Wise Council helped to combat the forces of Lord Sauron and cast him out of the tower of Dol Gulder in ages past when he had assumed the shadowy form of the ‘Necromancer’. However, the means to defeat Sauron the first time were Saruman’s undoing in the Third Age when the Ring is found again. Saruman had studied the Dark Lord’s arts in order to learn how to defeat him, hoping to find a weakness, but in the end was captivated by his power, especially his invention of the One Ring and was seduced into imitating him. Elrond sadly notes: “It is perilous to study too deeply into the arts of the Enemy, for good or for ill.”111 Saruman begins to breed his own army of hybrid orcs, their dark blood mixed with that of men so they have the ability to withstand the sunlight, which the other orcs are unable to endure. To the new uruk-hai orc breed he gives their fill of man-flesh, plus has dreaded wolf-riders and other evil races enter his lists. As his symbol of power, he has chosen a White Hand, the sign of authority that sounds very similar to the French main de justice mentioned earlier. As we recall, Bl. Catherine Emmerich, was shown the significance of the ‘hand’ in the priesthood, its power to cure and bless which priests seldom do, noting that the staff of Eliseus also symbolised the ‘hand’ in the same manner and had a mystic connection with the bishop’s crosier and monarch’s sceptre, obviously as symbols of authority granted to them by God’s Hand.112 In the case of Saruman, he has taken the symbol of a priest’s blessed authority and has turned it into one of tyrannical dominion. H attempts to rule over the realm of Rohan, and eventually takes control of the Shire, the idyllic pastoral land of the Hobbits, and turns it into an oppressive industrialized communistic police-state. The Hobbits are fooled into thinking they still have authority in their land by having been granted various official posts such as ‘sheriff’ or ‘deputies’, but are suffocating under a system bogged down by senseless laws, and the misappropriation of goods that are never redistributed to the people but are stolen by the evil Men overseeing the new government, including Saruman.
     Lusting after power, Saruman makes a new alliance with Mordor, and although he plans to betray this alliance, he falls under the secret influence of the Evil Eye and ends up doing the work of the Eye without realizing it as Frodo related. Filled with pride, Saruman begins to refashion the Istari Order into a new organisation modelled after his concept of how the Istari should be, not as the Immortals have ordained. When Gandalf the Grey seeks his assistance unaware of his treachery, he discovers Saruman has a ‘new ring’ and his actually created a Ring of Power in imitation of the Dark Lord by his own admission: “For I am Saruman the Wise, Saruman Ring-maker, Saruman of Many Colours!”113 Mocking the ‘Old Order’, and indeed, treating Gandalf the Grey with contempt at first, he casts aside the revered colour white and displays to Gandalf new ‘vestments’ of his own making, a white-seeming cloth that is made of a myriad of flashing colours but bewilders those who look on it. Saruman admits he too like Sauron has “many eyes” that are in his service, seeking news of the One Ring. Aware that Gandalf knows where it is hidden, he attempts to persuade him to abandon the old order of the Istari as it was, forget the Eldar and the dying age of the Faithful Númenoreans, and join him in fashioning the New Order, first under the wing of Mordor, then turn on Sauron and reign in his place:

“A new Power is rising. Against it the old allies and
policies will not avail us at all. There is no hope left in Elves and
dying Númenor. This then is the choice before you, before us.
We may join with that Power. (...) Its victory is at hand, and there
will be rich reward for those that aided it. As the Power grows, its
proved friends will also grow, and the Wise, such as you and I,
may with patience come at last to direct its courses, to control it.
We can bide our time, we can keep our thoughts in our hearts,
deploring the evils done by the way, but approving the high and
ultimate purpose: Knowledge, Rule, Order; all things that we have
so far striven in vain to accomplish, hindered rather than helped by
our weak or idle friends. There need not be, there would not be,
any real changes in our designs, only in our means.”114

     Gandalf does not fall prey to Saruman’s deceit, for the end does not justify the means, and ‘The Grey Pilgrim’ remains faithful to the mission of the old Order of the Istari to defend Middle Earth against the wiles of Sauron without challenging Sauron himself, nor seek power or dominion over Elves and Men. Gandalf rebuffs his offer and realizes Saruman by his very treachery no longer holds authority of the Wise Council: “I have heard speeches of this kind before, but only in the mouths of emissaries sent from Mordor to deceive the ignorant. (...) You were Head of the Council, but you have unmasked yourself at last. Well, the choices are, it seems, to submit to Sauron, or to yourself. I will take neither.”115 Saruman imprisons Gandalf in his tower, but Gandalf escapes and informs the other members of the Wise Council of Saruman’s treachery. Gandalf observes that of all the perils the Wise Council had to endure in their fight against the power of Sauron the worst was enemies from within: “In all our long wars with the Dark Tower treason has always been our greatest foe.”116 He also says something similar about the despair of the Steward Denethor as his lack of hope and faith threatens to tear apart the unity of the King’s City: “Even in the heart of our stronghold the Enemy has power to strike us: for his will it is that is at work.”117 Of interest, Gandalf’s remarks are not unlike Christ’s warning: “And a man’s enemies shall be they of their ow 
household.” (Matt. 10:36)
     Returning to the prophecies, due to this internal upheaval, there will be aspiritual war between the ‘New’ church established by usurpers from within and those faithfully holding on to the ancient traditions. As a result, confusion will arise within the Church itself, and indeed, persecutions. Tolkien includes similar references in Lord of the Rings. Gandalf, the faithful and more worthy member of the Istari, is rebuked and treated terribly by those who have fallen under the influence of the Evil Eye. The Steward Denethor does not give him as warm a welcome as he does for Saruman when they both wish to conduct research in the ancient archives of the royal city. Denethor continually calls Gandalf an old fool. The King of Rohan also treats Gandalf with disrespect until he later frees him from the malicious influence of Saruman. Under the influence of evil, Denethor and the King of Rohan view Gandalf’s warnings and words of wisdom as a nuisance and bad omens, blind to the fact he is bringing them wise council. In fact, Denethor accuses Gandalf of seeking to seize power over the kingdom, the same accusation that Saruman makes when Gandalf takes his place and is promoted to the colour White. No doubt these accusations are attempts to discredit Gandalf and prevent people from placing their trust in him. Gandalf remarks as he rushes to prevent the crazed Lord Denethor from carrying out his mad plans: “Work of the Enemy! (...) Such deeds he loves: friend against friend, loyalty divided in the confusion of hearts.”118 At one point in Lord of the Rings, the remnant of the Fellowship cannot tell Gandalf and Saruman apart: not only do they look alike, but after Gandalf’s assumed death, rumours abound that Saruman is sneaking abroad in the guise of an ‘old man’ gathering news as though he had assumed the ‘Grey Pilgrim’s’ likeness. As a result, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli mistake the resurrected Gandalf for the traitor when he meets up with them again in Fangorn Forest after defeating the Balrog, but are surprised to find him promoted to his new role as the White Rider. Hence, we see references to prophecies that before the Great Monarch arrives few will be able to recognize the True Church from the ‘False’ Church.

108 The Life of Jesus Christ, Vol. 3, pp. 25-26.
109 Ibid. Vol. 2, p. 274.
* Compare Christ’s description of the secret-society Herodians as ‘dumb dogs that do not bark’ mentioned earlier with Psalm 21 (17-18) predicting Christ’s crucifixion: “For many dogs have encompassed Me: the council of the malignant hath besieged Me. They have dug My Hands and Feet. They have numbered all My Bones.”
110 May 10, 1904. We Are Warned, p. 360.
111 Ibid. p. 282.
112 The Life of Jesus Christ, Vol. 1, pp. 19-20.
113 Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, p. 276.
114 Ibid. pp. 276-277.
115 Ibid. p. 277.
116 Ibid. p. 268.
117 Ibid. The Return of the King, p. 886.
118 Ibid. p. 885.
(What is in red is me. I had to clarify a miss translation.)

     In the end, Good eventually triumphs over Evil in Lord of the Rings, Gandalf in his wisdom directs each person on the path they must take in order to further the cause of Good, much like an Angelic Pontiff. Frodo and Sam complete their mission to destroy the Ring, Sauron as the Evil Eye is obliterated and reduced to nothing. Saruman is exiled and eventually is slain by one of his own followers, and the New Age of Men begins with the reign of Aragorn with Gandalf’s blessing, obviously inspired by the prophecies of the Great Monarch and the restoration he
will bring about after Middle Earth has been cleansed. Concerning our own world, as the secret societies attempted to destroy both monarchies and Church by revolutions, they shall meet the same fate: wars and cataclysmic convulsions of the earth shall be used to sweep away all they had set out to accomplish like the unfruitful branches mentioned in the Bible. Evil cities shall be toppled by wars and counter-revolutions, their ruins left as a warning to future ages. Many prophesies declare Paris in particular will meet a terrible fate and will signal the commencement of these chastisements: for its crimes it shall be utterly destroyed and will never be rebuilt. Fr. Nectou S.J. notes, “Paris will be destroyed so completely that twenty years afterwards fathers walking over its ruins with their children will be asked by them what kind of place this was; to whom they will answer: ‘My child, this was a great city which God has destroyed on account of her crimes.”119 The Abbe Souffrant known as the Curé of Maumusson predicted in 1828, “Paris will be destroyed, so much destroyed that the plough will pass it by.”120 According to another prophecy by Marie-Julie, only twelve survivors will be found in Paris (Actually, Mother Mary said to subtract 12 from 100 and you would have the true number, which is 88).121 The trouble will commence during the months of June and July with a violent civil war started by a handful of conspirators who will purposely set out to cause total chaos by setting off explosions under the city, and will incite others to revolt throughout the country.122 The wording of the prophecies seems to suggest that it will be a traitorous handful within the government that will start the conflict, a manufactured civil war to bring about its own ends. When the government sees the revolution begin, it will “be like a bird” and take flight to another country to allow free reign to the carnage.123 Christians will be persecuted and slaughtered, all churches will be closed and ransacked. Paris itself will collapse and will be left in its desolation. However, it will be in the midst of this turmoil when the Great Monarch will appear and begin to drive the invading foreigners out of France* andrestore order in the country before bringing aid to other European nations.
     Concerning the desolation of Paris, Tolkien appears to have included a reference with his city of Minas Ithil in the Morgul Vale, once a glorious tower metropolis built by Isildur of the ancient Númenoreans upon their arrival to Middle Earth that was eventually captured by the Nazgûl Witch-kings. We discover in the Appendixes that the last king of Gondor is challenged by the Witch-king not long after the city’s capture and he foolishly rides alone to the Morgul Vale to defend his honour, but is never heard from again, thus the Southern line of the Kings is destroyed and the rule of the Stewards begins, an illegitimate rule that lasts for centuries while the security of the kingdom is chipped away little by little. We recall the usurpation of the Stewards may symbolise the tumultuous establishment of the republic of France and its ‘illegitimate temporal kings’ set up against the heaven-blessed monarchy. Over time the once beautiful Morgul Vale ruled by the Númenoreans becomes dark and evil under the power of the Nazgûl, its very land polluted with their black iniquities, very similar to how Paris is described by Marie Julie, a new ‘Sodom’ ruled by the ‘Chamber of Hell’ that will not be rebuilt because of its crimes. We find the same fate falls to the Morgul Vale when Aragorn assumes the throne as he decrees: “Minas Ithil in the Morgul Vale shall be utterly destroyed, and though it may in time come to be made clean, no man may dwell there for many long years.”124

119 We Are Warned, p. 541.
120 Ibid. p. 553.
121 Ibid. prophecy dated August 9, 1881, p. 286.
122 Ibid. April 27, 1877, p. 53-54, June 1, 1877, p. 57, also September 20, 1881, pp. 292-293.
123 Ibid. prophecy dated April 27, 1877, p. 54.
* Russia is one foreign power that will invade Europe according to the mystic Ven, Sr. Elena Aiello. However, in numerous prophecies, it is said that in addition to civil wars, Muslim invasions or incursions will once more threaten Europe and that the Great Monarch will eventually drive out those who do not convert. Marie-Julie declares France itself will become Muslim before the chastisements, a warning that Christians will be outnumbered. (We Are Warned, p. 414) No doubt this is another reason why heaven has denounced democracy: majority rule under Muslim leadership could be used to suppress or wipe out France’s Christian identity and heritage. Of interest, we find in Lord of the Rings that the Dark Lord Sauron has many allies, including men called the Haradrim, it appears they are also called Southrons as they come from the south. Dressed in red and gold, they are described as having dark faces and eyes, long black hair, and are cruel and fierce. (The Two Towers, p. 672). Their weapons are scimitars, (Return of the King, p. 873), and they train great elephant-like creatures to use as beast of war, which points to the Arab invasions of the Middle Ages: Portugal and Spain in southern Europe were invaded from the south from northern Africa and held under Arab dominion for decades. In Lord of the Rings, the Haradrim forces are completely destroyed by Aragorn and his Army of the Dead in the Pelennor Fields. Hence, forever more the kingdom of the Haradrim lives under the dread of Gondor: “... and to the land of the Haradrim came only a tale from far off: a rumour of the wrath and terror of Gondor,” (Return of the King, p. 882), a detail which may have been inspired by the prophecies concerning the Great Monarch who will liberate Europe from the cruelties of militant Islam.
124 Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King, p. 1005.
     When will all these catastrophes occur? According to a few time lines revealed in some prophecies, the times of chastisements have already started. They
would begin with plagues, famines, world wars, and natural disasters occurring on a more frequent basis and with greater destructive power. Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres (1635) warned that hell would be unleashed in the 19th and 20th centuries.125 As mentioned earlier, Bl. Catherine Emmerich said Satan would be unleashed about fifty or sixty years before the year 2000, while Pope Leo XIII was shown the devil would be given about seventy-five to one hundred years to tempt the earth, which would make the ‘Age of Satan’ last from about 1950 to 2025, or up to 2050 AD. Marie-Julie was told in 1880 that Satan’s reign had already commenced,126 which is not out of synch with Bl. Emmerich’s prediction as she was also told Satan would prepare the coming of his reign long before the promised years. Marie-Julie also warned in 1874 that France would have to pay for its two hundred years of democracy: the Revolution occurred in 1789-99, which indicates its chastisements would commence sometime around 1989-1999, placing the start of its era of punishment within the ‘Age of Satan’ mentioned above. We find a similar time of punishment was given to the mystic Sr. Jeanne Royer (Sister of the Nativity) (1731-1798) who was shown a sunset in a vision and asked how long it would be before nightfall: she calculated about two hours and was told by Christ that represented an approximate number of centuries the earth had left before the end of time.127 Considering she died in 1798, we also see another ominous parallel with the years given above: two centuries calculated from 1798 gives us 1998. Sr. Royer also noted Christ had reserved the exact number of years, so the earth may be given more time, obviously if the earth repented, but she was not sure for how long. We cannot help but include St. Malachy’s (1094-1148) famous predictions concerning the papacy: the saint was shown the successive popes and anti-popes up until the end of time and he revealed each of their identities through one-line clues written in Latin that are remarkably accurate. According to his time line and presuming there is no break in the text, we are already in the pontificate of the last mentioned pope: ‘Petrus Romanus’ ~ Peter of Rome, or the ‘Rock of Rome’. The last and by far the lengthiest prophecy reads: “In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Petrus Romanus, who will feed his flock among many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people.” 128
     After the various chastisements, if the people refuse to convert, according to the mystics there will be one last horrific punishment that will befall the world and strip it of two-thirds to three quarters of its godless inhabitants: the Three Days of Darkness as foretold in the scriptures when the sun and moon shall be darkened and not give their light. Bl. Anna Maria Taigi (1769-1837) revealed: “God will send two punishments: one will be in the form of wars, revolutions and other evils; it shall originate on earth. The other will be sent from Heaven. There shall come over the whole earth an intense darkness lasting three day and three nights. Nothing can be seen, and the air will be laden with pestilence which will claim mainly, but not only, the enemies of religion.”129 St. Gaspar del Bufalo (1786–1837) stated: “The death of impenitent persecutors of the Church during the three days of darkness. He who outlives the darkness and fear of the three days will think that he were alone on earth because of the fact the world will be covered everywhere with cadavers ... .”130 Bl. Mary of Jesus Crucified (Marie Baourdi) (1846-1878) warned: “All nations will be shaken by war and civil revolutions. During three days of darkness, the followers of the evil cause will be annihilated so that only one fourth of mankind will survive.”131 Sr. Palma Maria Adolorata Matarelli d’Oria declared in 1863: “There shall be three days of darkness, during which the atmosphere will be infected by innumerable devils, who shall cause the death of large multitudes of unbelievers and wicked men. Not one demon shall be left in hell.”132 Ven. Sister Elena Aiello (1895-1961) noted: “Clouds with lightning rays of fire and a tempest of fire will pass over the whole world and the punishment will be the most terrible ever known in the history of mankind. It will last for 70 hours. The wicked will be crushed and eliminated. Many will be lost because they stubbornly remained in their sins. (...) The hours of darkness are near....Some nations will be purified, while other nations will disappear entirely.”133 Marie-Julie also gives considerable details on the Three Days of Darkness. When the punishments begin to fall on Paris and the churches are ransacked, that is when the Days of Darkness will commence: “There will be three days of devastation, there will not be any more Sacrifice, any more Masses (...) it will be three days of Hell. Satan will travel the Earth to turn over the shrines, but he will be rejected. (...) In these three days, the lights of the heavens will be extinguished and the angels will be dismayed.”134 In another vision Marie-Julie was warned that for three days the sky would be on fire, “furrowed by fear of the divine wrath.”135 The destruction will be so terrible that the earth will not be able to produce for many years, France will suffer terribly for three years afterwards.136 She also relates other frightening details;137 demons shall roam the earth and assume horrific forms and the faithful will hear horrible blasphemies uttered by them in the air. Blood-red clouds will billow across the sky, tumultuous thunder will shake the earth while lightning will sear everywhere andeven enter people’s homes. Earthquakes will rock the foundations of the earth for the entire Three Days, tidal waves will sweep across the continent. Blood will flow so greatly that the earth will resemble one gigantic cemetery, the righteous will die with the guilty, and the famine afterwards will be great. Three-quarters of mankind  will perish. Similar forewarnings continue even to our own times. Sr. Agnes Sasagawa of Akita was warned by the Mother of God on October 13, 1973: “As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests or faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead.”138 Concerning the Three Days of Darkness, Marie-Julie was warned they would be ‘three days less one night’, and occur on a Thursday, a Friday and a Saturday, the Darkness will be lifted on Sunday, God’s day of rest.139

125 We Are Warned, p. 532.
126 Ibid. August 30, 1880, p. 242.
127 Ibid. p. 544.
128 St. Malachy, intro. By Peter Bander, The Prophecies of St. Malachy (Rockford: Tan Books and Publishers Inc., 1973). Usually, the prophecies reveal the various popes by their family names, or by the heraldic devices on their coats of arms when made cardinal or pope. The last prophecies tend to be the most ‘metaphysical’ of the list and difficult to interpret. ‘Rock of Rome’ seems the best interpretation of this description for Pope Francis as he took the name of St. Francis of Asissi, the saint who spiritually saved the Church from crumbling at a dark time in its history through his order, the Franciscans. According to tradition, Pope Innocent III saw in a dream in 1207 that the church of St. John Lateran, the basilica of the popes, was about to collapse, signifying that the Church itself was on the brink of falling apart. However, St. Francis stepped forward and supported the church on his shoulder as though he were the corner stone. Impressed with the dream, the pope approved the humble friar’s new order.
129 We Are Warned, p. 550.
130 Ibid. p. 552.
131 Ibid. p. 558.
132 Ibid. p. 561.
133 Ibid. p. 564.
134 Ibid., October 27, 1876, pp. 43-44.
135 Ibid. November 30, 1880, p. 274.
136 Ibid.
137 Ibid. January 4, 1884, pp. 342-343.
138 Ibid. p. 570.
139 Ibid. p. 420.

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